Sunday, May 25, 2008

21 Years Ago

Nicole's Birthday

Twenty one years ago today, Nicole was born. Oh, how our lives have changed as a result. Oh, what joy came into your lives. These twenty one years have flown by.

Wendy's Birthday

It is birthday season. Not only our youngest celebrates her birthday, in two more days Wendy will celebrate her 44th birthday. What a great daughter. We have truly been blessed.

Sadie the Dancer
Sadie has been enrolled in a class for three-year old budding ballerinas. On Monday, she participated in her first recital to an audience of discerning critics (moms, dads, aunts, and grandparents) who gave the performance rave reviews. Here we see Sadie with her friend Daryl Freeman. Wendy commented on how the pink tutus accentuate what cute tummies our graceful dancers have.

Ryan the Graduate
Talk about the swift passage of time -- Ryan has sped through school in what seems like the blink of an eye. Nana remembers marveling at this beautiful days-old baby boy when new mother Holly deposited him in her arms at the Salt Lake City airport. Was it really eighteen years ago? We have loved watching Ryan grow up and applauding his achievements along the way. We are so glad we were able to take him to Education Week with us those two summers. It was wonderful to have him with us on both occasions. Now he stands on the brink of adulthood and we continue to be so proud of him.

Graduation took place at Meriwether Post pavilion on Thursday, May 22 and Ryan was commended on the program for his good grades. Just so you know, he is the handsome tall one dressed in green.

Ava the Graduate

Our family abounds with academic milestones -- our Ava Gladwell deserves recognition for her achievement in graduating from kindergarten from Cache Elementary School.

Memorial Day

Tomorrow we will celebrate Memorial Day with Wendy and Holly with their families. In gratitude we honor our military troops from years past and today. We thank them for their service to our country and to each of us.

As we enjoy our traditional family picnic on Monday, we will miss Nicole and Ashley. Both girls are spending the weekend visiting with their respective friends' families. Ashley is in California meeting Ryan Smith's family and Nicole is in Colorado visiting her friend Jeff Bullock and his family.

When we arrived at Holly's house, Reed came out and approached us with a super soaker. Sadie then placed her self in front of Grandpa in a wide stance with her arms spread out and said to Reed, "Don't squirt my grandpa." She was so cute.

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